Outline of what the SNIFS/Guider/Imager/Focuser observing script must do
- ra, dec, epoch presented to telescope
- move telescope to requested location
- script ingests TCS info to check on location (HA, Dec, UT)
- calculate offsets based on internal pointing model
- send offsets
- iterate
- [rotate to correct auxillary camera filter]
- acquire stars in guider camera
- if outdated focus, execute focus sequence (requires encoding focus & temperature)
- if current focus, check image quality and focus if needed
- auxillary camera takes an image
- baseline reduction of auxillary camera image
- overscan subtraction
- flatten (requires queued flatfield image)
- generate object catalog
- X-match with input catalogs (requires NEAT image or other object catalog)
- calculate offsets
- send offsets
- ingest TCS info to check on location
- acquire guide stars
- begin guiding
- check guiding
- if all OK, start science exposures
- flush CCD's
- open imager/ifu shutter to telescope
- close imager/ifu shutter to telescope
- read out blue, red, and auxillary detectors in parallel
- science exposure assessment
- calibration (as needed) for each arc, flat, x-calibration
- turn on lamp X
- flush CCD's
- open shutter on calibration unit
- close shutter on calibration unit
- read out red, blue, and optionally auxillary camera
Separate science and calibration shutters are in baseline. The science shutter can
be calibrated using dome flats while calibration shutter can use calibration lamps.
Types of interfaces/procedures:
software <---> software
software <---> hardware
During waits, ingest NEAT image object catalog and other (APS/APM/USNO) catalogs
(buffer for current and next two targets in case current or next target fails).
Also look for and upload internal catalogs from prior auxillary camera visits
(buffer for current and next two targets in case current or next target fails).